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The first school of sommelier has been opened

On November, 28th, 2001 took place the opening of the first Sommelier Schools in Ukraine of company «Master-class « on the basis of Institute of Tourism of Federation of trade unions of Ukraine.

В зале  засиданий на открытии Школы Сомелье. Выступает ректор Института Туризма ФПУ Слободян П.М.

Our School is perfectly equipped with necessary for educational process an educational bar - restaurant; here are stands with production of famous trade marks: "Маssandra", "Meganom", "Knyajyi Grad ", the private businessman "Rioni", "Atoll", " Telliani Valley " " Askaneli Brothers " and others. This all accessories are necessary for educational process: tableware and table linen, knowing teachers are skilled and many other things.

Справа на лево: - зам. председателя профсоюзов Украины Романчук , - директор компании "Мастер-класс" Благополучная Н.П. , - декан Института Туризма ФПУ Федоренко Н.В., - проректор Института Туризма ФПУ Попович С.И.

The rector of Institute of tourism Slobodjan P.M., the pro-rector of Institute of tourism Popovich S.I., director of restaurant of hotel " Dnepr " Hristenko V.A. and others told about actuality of opening the Sommelier School of company " Master-class " this evening.

Фуршет в честь открытия Школы Сомелье

The presence, among invited, the former main wine maker "Massandra" Shlejger L.I., behind its shoulders was 50-years operational experience, was very significant. Opening of Sommelier School was broadcasted on a television (channel KDRT " Kiev ", channel " Wings "), has been lighted in press (magazines " Drinks-plus ", " Brutto ", "It", etc.).

Представитель ТМ "Золотая Амфора" Скрыпник И.Н.  и руководство Интститута Туризма ФПУ и компании "Мастер-класс"






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